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Additional Tryouts (CGHL and U12 Tier II)

Non-National Bound Tryouts

U08, 10, 12, 14, 16/19 CGHL/NEGHL TEAMS

We offer a wide range of non-national bound teams (not eligible for USA Hockey National Championships).  Our teams include Tier  II U12,  CT Girls Hockey League (CGHL), and New England Girls Hockey League (NEGHL) teams at U08, 10, 12, 14, and 16/19.  

USA Hockey rules stipulate that only U14, 16, and 19 teams are eligible for Nationals.  However, the U12 Tier II teams are eligible for state playoffs (U12 is eligible for regionals).

The CGHL provides players from beginner to experienced the ability to play competitive hockey in a development environment.  The CGHL travel and time commitments are significantly less than those of the tiered teams.

Our development-focused teams promise the same great Shoreline Sharks experience.  We are proud of our strong sense of community, along with our focus on skill development, commitment, hard work, and fun. With these ingredients and our talented and dedicated coaches, caring managers, and supportive parents, we have a winning formula. 

We aim to provide all girls who want to play hockey the opportunity.  If we get the appropriate level of interest, we will always add teams to our portfolio to offer more opportunities for girls to play at all levels. 

Want more detailed information about the teams, season, and tryouts?  Request a comprehensive 2025 -2026 Tryout Packet. 

Tryout Summary

The chart below provides the key information about the non-national bound tryouts for U8 - U19 Northford-based teams, including all CGHL and Tier II U12 teams: 

Tryout Schedule

The chart below provides the tryout times for our non-national teams.  All tryouts are held at Northford Ice Pavilion.  

U8 - U12

Tryout Session U8 U10 CGHL U12 Tier II & CGHL
Session 1 -- Feb 18: 5:20 - 6:20 pm Feb 18: 6:30 - 7:30 pm
Session 2 Feb 20: 5:00 - 6:00 pm Feb 20: 6:10 - 7:10 pm Feb 21: 5:30 - 6:30 pm

U14 - U16/19 (times published April 1) 

Tryout Session U14 CGHL U16/19 CGHL
Session 1 April 10 April 14
Session 2 April 11 April 15

Tryout Information

Our tryout program is designed to provide all participants with an equal opportunity to demonstrate their hockey skills.  We utilize independent evaluators to eliminate any potential player bias.  Additionally, our on-ice instructors will do everything possible to maintain a relaxed environment so players can perform to their potential. 

Here is some additional information about tryouts: 

  • Tryout Packet:  Request a comprehensive packet that provides families with tuition, travel, tournament, skill development, practice schedules, etc.
  • Registration: Our registration opens on January 13, 2025  
  • Player Loyalty:  We will make every effort to find a place in our organization for every girl who wants to play hockey.  


Submit Tryout Questions

Shorelne Sharks Championship Titles 2006 - 2024

2018 Nationals

2017 Nationals